The space around the body provides a large interaction volume that can allow for 'big' interactions on 'small' mobile devices. Prior work has primarily focused on distributing information in the space around a user's body. We extend this by demonstrating three new types of around-body interaction: canvas, modal and context-aware. To illustrate our approach, these techniques are implemented in six demonstration applications. We also present a sensing solution using standard smartphone hardware: a phone's front camera, accelerometer and inertial measurement units. Our solution allows a person to interact with a mobile device by holding and positioning it between a normal field of view and its vicinity around the body. By leveraging a user's proprioceptive sense, around-body Interaction opens a new input channel that enhances conventional interaction on a mobile device without requiring additional hardware.
For more media, see Anthony Chen's webpage.
Chen, X., Schwarz, J. Harrison, C., Mankoff, J. and Hudson, S. 2014. Around-Body Interaction: Sensing & Interaction Techniques for Proprioception-Enhanced Input with Mobile Devices. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (Toronto, Canada, September 23 - 26, 2014).. MobileHCI ’14. ACM, New York, NY. 287-290.