
Appropriated Interaction Surfaces

Devices with significant computational power and capability can now be easily carried with us. These devices have tremendous potential to bring the power of information, creation, and communication to a wider audience and to more aspects of our lives. However, with this potential comes new challenges for interaction design. For example, we have yet to figure out a good way to miniaturize devices without simultaneously shrinking their interactive surface area. This has lead to diminutive screens, cramped keyboards, and tiny jog wheels - all of which diminishes usability and prevents us from realizing the full potential of mobile computing. In many cases, these devices are nearly as capable as full featured desktop computers, but there computation is hindered by a human-computer I/O bottleneck.


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Harrison, C. Appropriated Interaction Surfaces. IEEE Computer Magazine, June 2010, 43(6). IEEE, Washington, D.C. 86-89.

© Chris Harrison